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Installing Deployer

Installing deployer is a very easy task. Follow this steps

  1. Download the lastest version.
  2. Just unzip the file into the eclipse directory. If you already unzipped it elsewhere, just move the com.primary.deployer-(version) directory to the eclipse/plugins directory.
  3. (Re)Start Eclipse.
  4. Enjoy!

Using Deployer

Using the plug-in is very simple too. To deploy a file in a remote server follow this steps:

  1. Into the Package Explorer, righ-click the file and select Properties (or select the file and press [Alt]+[Enter])
  2. The Properties page of the file opens. Select Deployer Info
  3. Fill the information fields.
  4. Press OK or Apply

Now the file is configured with all the information needed to deploy it. From now on, to deploy the file, follow this steps:

  1. Right-click on the file
  2. Select the Deployer menu
  3. Press Deploy File
  4. A dialog appears showing what it will do and asking you for confirmation.
  5. If the information is right, press OK. Deployer will transfer the file and a dialog will appear telling you that the deployment was successfull.
The transfer is done by the same thread of Eclipse, so Eclipse will be useless until the transfer is complete. I'm working on a solution to this by adding another thread to do the transfer and a progress dialog.

The defaults values for the information fields can be configured via the Preferences page.

  1. Open the Preferences page (Window->Preferences)
  2. From the list on the left, select Deployer.
  3. Fill the information fields with the default values.
  4. Press OK or Apply
This values will appear every time you configure a file for the first time, or if you press the Restore Defaults into the Properties page of a file.

That's it!

If you encounter problems during instalation or while using the plug-in, please report it to the mailing list.